
信誉电子游戏官网通过为来自不同社区寻求教育和职业发展的学生提供明确的途径来促进学生的学习和成就, certificates, associate degrees, and transfer. 我们为学生建立一个支持和包容的环境,使他们成为成功的学习者, responsible leaders, and engaged community members.



Core Values


Diversity -我们拥抱社区的多样性,并努力利用它带来的优势和机会. We recognize that diversity is intersectional with multiple dimensions.

Equity -我们致力于通过消除学生教育和职业目标的不公正和障碍,为我们所服务的所有人提供公平.

Inclusivity -我们设计的计划和决策过程包括所有利益相关者

Antiracism -我们认识到,基于种族类别的制度性障碍是几个世纪以来建立起来的,我们承诺查明和消除这些障碍.


Belonging -我们促进归属感和联系,促进校园和周边地区的福祉.

Responsibility -我们肩负着改善世界的责任,寻找机会带领我们的社区对当地问题作出回应.

Respect – We support an environment of mutual respect.

Compassion – We attend to our students as whole people, identifying their changing needs personally, academically, and professionally. 我们根据我们对学生是谁以及他们需要什么的共同理解来调整机构.



Growth -我们创造一个个人和职业发展的环境, supported, and rewarded for all members of our community.

Intellectual Curiosity -我们鼓励彼此提出问题,推动进一步的调查,研究和实验.

Excellence – We hold ourselves accountable to high standards.




Goal 1: Ensure Equitable Access and Outcomes


Objective 1: 消除对黑人学生成功入学的不成比例的影响, first-year English and math completion, fall to spring persistence, degree/certificate completion, and transfer attainment.

Objective 2: 消除对拉丁裔/非拉丁裔/非拉丁裔学生在第一年英语和数学结业和转学成绩方面不成比例的影响.

Objective 3: Increase usage of basic needs support for housing, food insecurity, transportation, and mental health.

Objective 4: 提高有色人种学生在共享物理和在线空间中的归属感和重要性.

Objective 5:  深化参与deia的专职和兼职教师和工作人员的专业发展.

Goal 2: Success for Every Student


Objective 1: 提高学生第一年的数学和英语的完成度.

Objective 2: Increase the number of students earning Associate Degrees, Associate Degrees for Transfer, and/or Certificates

Objective 3: 增加在离开学院一年内转学到四年制大学的学生人数.

Objective 4: 增加毕业后获得地区生活工资的学生人数.

Objective 5: 增加职业技术教育毕业生从事与其学习领域密切相关的工作的人数

Objective 6: Increase efficiency in the completion of an Associate Degree, Associate Degree for Transfer, or Career Technical Education Certificates.

Objective 7: 减少在线课程和面对面课程在成功率和保留率上的差距.

Goal 3: Strengthen Connections with Our Community

信誉电子游戏官网将发展和加强与教育机构的合作项目和伙伴关系, civic organizations, and businesses in North Orange County and beyond.

Objective 1: 增加公平获得当地高中双录取课程和衔接课程的机会.

Objective 2: 增加在COVID-19大流行信誉电子游戏官网后不成比例地离开学院的学生的入学率.

Objective 3: 加强与当地四年制大学和职业技术教育合作伙伴在转学途径方面的合作.

Objective 4: 确定和实施环境正义项目,为环境不利的学生和员工提供服务.

Objective 5: 建立并扩大与地方企业和民间组织的合作.

Goal 4: Commit to Accountability and Continuous Quality Improvement


Objective 1: Create a clear, comprehensive, and inclusive process for prioritizing human, physical, financial, and technological resources.

Objective 2: 调整和改进规划和资源分配流程,以增加校园利益相关者的参与和透明度.

Objective 3: 改进技术基础设施以支持灵活的课程安排.

Objective 4:提高学生和员工在物理和在线空间的可访问性.

Objective 5: Develop, implement, and assess a campus-specific sustainability plan.

Institutional Student Learning Outcomes



Critical Thinking and Information Competency

Analyze and synthesize data/information in a variety of forms (numerical, textual, graphic) for the purpose of interpretation, problemsolving, and decision-making.

Global Systems Awareness and Ethical Citizenship

Analyze the interconnectedness of racial, cultural, political, social, economic, 从多个角度看待环境问题,并认识到积极影响这些系统所必需的个人机构和集体责任.

Aesthetic Appreciation and Production


Personal Responsibility and Professional Development

Articulate personal values and goals as well as explain the skills, mindsets, and behaviors necessary to achieve well-being and professional success.

Statement of Ethics

As representatives of Fullerton College, we all share the responsibility to conduct ourselves with integrity, and to act in a fair, consistent, and equitable manner. 我们认识到我们的言行需要公开和可靠. 我们致力于以坦率和专业的方式解决问题, and to engaging people without prejudice. As members of an educational community, we are committed to excellence in all that we do, 并遵守本声明中确立的道德行为原则.

信誉电子游戏官网每个成员的行为都应与本声明中所载的原则保持一致并遵守. 校园社区的所有成员都应参与以下活动:

  • Trustworthy conduct ——包括在沟通和行动上的可靠、忠诚和诚实.
  • Respectful behavior — treating everyone with civility, courtesy, tolerance, and acceptance, and recognizing the worth, dignity and unique characteristics of each individual.
  • Accountability — taking personal responsibility for one’s own actions and decisions.
  • Fair and just actions — utilizing equitable processes in decision making.
  • Compassion — caring for others, both within and apart from the campus community, 为他人提供服务的方式也反映了我们对他们和他们的福祉的承诺.